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All SBC edge clients can be accessed using SSH. Every authentication type is supported. Our preinstalled edge clients require a "24 hour Mellon certificate" with the principal building-admins.


The easiest way to SSH into edge clients is by using the tool "c1-ssh". c1-ssh is available precompiled in our APT repository for Debian and Ubuntu. It is just a small wrapper around the systems SSH client and establishes the connection to Sensaru Cloud. Using c1-ssh also has the advantage that you can always trust the connection. You don't get the usual SSH key warning on first connection and don't need to check it. This makes man-in-the-middle attacks on the SSH connection much, much harder.

To connect to an edge client, execute:

c1-ssh <user>@<business partner ID>_<economic unit ID>.<property ID>.<administration unit ID>_<sub ID>_10000

The property ID and administration unit ID are optional. The sub ID is usually 1. 10000 is the client index. This is the default value for SSH and can be changed in cloudconnect.conf on the client. So an example command might look like this:

c1-ssh root@0604b020-7905-11eb-ad7b-f9e2c6c59018_6261.107.97_1_10000

In addition you can pass most SSH parameters to c1-ssh, e. g. to tunnel connections.


To copy files you can use c1-scp which comes with c1-ssh.


You can also use OpenSSH without "c1-ssh" utilizing the ProxyCommand option. In addition to OpenSSH, socat and curl are required

On Ubuntu these can be installed by executing:

apt install socat curl

Now place the following script in ~/.ssh/

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Example usage: ssh -o ProxyCommand="~/.ssh/ %h" -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@2007c641-b994-443e-b827-1748da6d5dd0_1234_1_10000

business_partner_id=$(echo $1 | cut -d '_' -f 1)
device_id=$(echo $1 | cut -d '_' -f 2)
sub_id=$(echo $1 | cut -d '_' -f 3)
client_index=$(echo $1 | cut -d '_' -f 4)

# Get hostname
hostname=$(curl -s "${client_index}&c1pbp=${business_partner_id}&c1pdeviceid=${device_id}&c1psubid=${sub_id}&c1pproxymode=1&c1pgethost=1") > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ -z $hostname ]; then
        >&2 echo "Could not determine hostname"
        exit 1

(printf 'GET /?c1pclientindex=%s&c1pbp=%s&c1pdeviceid=%s&c1psubid=%s&c1pproxymode=1&c1pnohttpresponse=1 HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n' $client_index $business_partner_id $device_id $sub_id && cat) | socat - SSL:$hostname:4027

Make this script executable:

chmod +x ~/.ssh/

Add an ssh alias called sssh:

echo "alias sssh='ssh -o ProxyCommand=\"~/.ssh/ %h\" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'" >> ~/.bashrc

After a restart of your shell, you can SSH into any SBC edge client using:

sssh user@hostname

Replace hostname with <business partner ID>_<home client ID>_<sub ID>_<client index>. As a system provider or system distributor the hostname can be copied from in device management on the edge clients detail page (at the top).


Like for SSH add an alias:

echo "alias sscp='scp -o ProxyCommand=\"~/.ssh/ %h\" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'" >> ~/.bashrc

SCP can be used the same way:

sscp user@hostname:/my-file .