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An edge client sends event to the topics described in the events chapter. Please also see there on the payload is encoded. This section explains what triggers the sending of events and describes special events.

System events

System events are published to the topic c1-home/<business partner ID>/<administration unit ID>/-/-/<sub ID>/telemetry/system/<data point ID>. System events are generated in regular intervals of approximately 5 minutes. The following datapoint IDs exist:

Datapoint ID Value type Description
restarted Boolean Whenever Homegear Cloudconnect is restarted, it publishes a value of true to this topic. After every restart getDeviceDescription() should be called for the system and every associated interface and device to check for changes.
alive Boolean true when Homegear Cloudconnect is connected to Homegear. false when there is currently no connection.
backup-alive Boolean Only in high-availability environments. true when the backup instance is alive. false if it is in fault.
system-time Integer The current system time as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970.
uptime Double The number of seconds since the operating system was booted.
load1 Double The 1 minute load average of the system.
load5 Double The 5 minute load average of the system.
load15 Double The 15 minute load average of the system.
total-memory Double The total memory in kilobytes.
available-memory Double The available memory in kilobytes.


Always call getDeviceDescription() after you receive the restarted event. Otherwise your information might be incorrect.

Interface events

Interface events are published to the topic c1-home/<business partner ID>/<administration unit ID>/-/-/<sub ID>/telemetry/interface/<interface ID>/<data point ID>. Interface events are generated in regular intervals of approximately 5 minutes. The following datapoint IDs exist:

Datapoint ID Value type Description
online Boolean true when the interface is connected and working, false otherwise.

Device events

Device events are published to the topic c1-home/<business partner ID>/<administration unit ID>/-/-/<sub ID>/telemetry/device/<peer ID>/<channel>/<data point ID>. These events are device-specific so a list of datapoints cannot be provided here. This means, the implementation of device events should be generic and not device-specific.