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Inter-module RPC usage

There are two methods implemented for inter-module RPC: moduleMethod and moduleMethodResponse. When using moduleMethod there is one huge difference to all other RPC methods: The call is asynchronous. This means, you won't get a response directly to moduleMethod. Instead when the request is finished, moduleMethodResponse is called as a request on the originating client.


There is never a response received to moduleMethod. Instead moduleMethodResponse is called on the originating module.

The reason for this implementation is, that a request might take a long time to process. This hanging request then blocks a lot of processing threads on multiple processes or services. This again might cause Sensaru Cloud to hang.


Routing packets within Sensaru Cloud is not done by IP address, but by module and module client ID. moduleMethod and moduleMethodResponse are used as a container for the actual RPC request. So these methods are sort of our equivalent of an IP header. For module to module communication, routing requires only the module ID. Clients connected to modules (i. e. module clients) additionally require the module client ID for routing. So we have four possible routing combinations:

Direction Description
Module to module When moduleMethod is called from a module on another module, we only need the source module ID and the destination module ID for routing.
Module to module client When moduleMethod is called from a module on a client of another module, we need the source module ID, the destination module ID and the destination module client ID for routing.
Module client to module When moduleMethod is called from a module client on a module, we need the source module ID, the source module client ID and the destination module ID for routing.
Module client to module client When moduleMethod is called from a module client on another module client, we need the source module ID, the source module client ID, the destination module ID and the destination module client ID for routing.

One important thing to note is that a module client is not allowed to put the source module client ID in moduleMethod if it is in an unsecure location or cannot be trusted. In this case this must be done in the module the client is connected to. Here the module client ID can be verified and placed into moduleMethod.


Calling module method

Whenever you want to call a RPC method on another module or module client, you need to execute moduleMethod. moduleMethod has the following signature:

void moduleMethod(
    String destinationModuleId,
    String destinationModuleClientId = "",
    String senderModuleId,
    String senderModuleClientId = "",
    Struct userId = [],
    Struct modulePrincipalId = {},
    Struct homeClientUsers = {},
    Struct homeClients = {},
    String methodName,
    Array parameters = [],
    String ticketId,
    Integer qos

The signature (obviously) is the same on the sender and receiver side (except in homegear-cloudconnect which has a simplified signature). The sender does not need to fill all parameters though, as most of them are filled in transit by other services.

Parameter Set by Optional Type Description
destinationModuleId Sender no String The ID of the module to call the RPC method in (e. g. c1-device-management)
destinationModuleClientId Sender yes String The ID of the module client to call the RPC method in (e. g. d1faa8d0-2db4-11ea-af75-674069e60b74_1000.1.1_1). A module client as a service connected to a module, e. g. edge clients connected to c1-proxy.
senderModuleId c1-core no String The ID of the sending module. This parameter is filled (or overridden) in c1-core with the ID of the sending module.
senderModuleClientId Module yes String The ID of the sending module client. Needs to be set to a verified value by the module. This can't be checked by c1-core. The value is only required for requests from module clients.
userId Sender yes Struct Filled with the ID of the sending user. For requests coming from UIs to c1-core this is filled with the logged in user. This parameter can be set by any sender. Just make sure the information is verified, as the validity cannot be checked by c1-core.
modulePrincipalId c1-proxy / c1-core yes Struct Filled with the edge client's principal ID for requests coming from edge clients and with and with the module's principal ID for requests coming from modules. The latter is relevant, because modules can be associated to a principal and access to other principals must be denied in this case.
homeClientUsers c1-core yes Struct Filled with the users associated to the edge client specified with homeClientId.
homeClients c1-core yes Struct Filled with the edge client IDs associated to the user specified with userId.
methodName Sender no String The RPC method to call.
parameters Sender yes Array The parameters to pass to the RPC method.
ticketId Sender no String This parameter is like a password. Fill this parameter with fully random string of appropriate length. Every request requires a unique ticket ID. When receiving moduleMethodResponse, the ticked ID must be matched.
qos Sender no Integer 0 to disable QoS. 1 causes the RPC call to be cached until the destination acknowledges the request.


To for example call getVersion() on a edge client a request might look like this:

    "id": 12,
    "method": "moduleMethod",
    "params": [

To call this method using c1-module-proxy, execute:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"id":12,"method":"moduleMethod","params":["c1-proxy", "d1faa8d0-2db4-11ea-af75-674069e60b74_1000.1.1_1", "", "", [], "", {}, {}, "getVersion", [], "abcd", 0]}' http://localhost:8080

The response will be:


After this, moduleMethodResponse is called (as a request!).


When you're using c1-module-proxy, the response is returned directly in moduleMethod and moduleMethodResponse is not called.

Receiving moduleMethod

When moduleMethod is called on a module (not a module client), c1-core invokes the actual method within the moduleMethod call. This means, you will not receive a call to moduleMethod. So when another service is calling the following on your module:

    "id": 12,
    "method": "moduleMethod",
    "params": [

Then you will receive the following in your module:

    "id": 12,
    "method": "getVersion",
    "params": [
        <verified metadata>

moduleMethod and module clients

You are only required to implement moduleMethod within your module, when the module has module clients. In this case c1-core does not invoke the wrapped method but passes moduleMethod to your module. In your module you can then identify the endpoint and invoke the wrapped RPC method directly as the routing information is not required anymore.


When receiving moduleMethod you will notice that all or most of the parameters have been filled.


moduleMethodResponse is sent after processing of a call to moduleMethod has finished. It has the following signature:

void moduleMethodResponse(
    String destinationModuleId,
    String destinationModuleClientId = "",
    String senderModuleId,
    String senderModuleClientId = "",
    Struct userId = {},
    Struct modulePrincipalId = {},
    Struct homeClientUsers = {},
    Struct homeClients = {},
    Mixed response,
    String ticketId,
    Integer qos

As you can see, most parameters are the same as for moduleMethod. The only difference is that methodName and parameters are replaced by response. The latter contains the result of the call to the RPC method specified by methodName in moduleMethod. The ticked ID must be set to the one from the moduleMethod call. Apart from that the same rules as for moduleMethod apply.


An example request looks like this:

    "id": 6,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "moduleMethodResponse",
    "params": [
        "Homegear 0.8.0-3348",

The response looks like this:
