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RPC methods

The notification module provides the following RPC methods:


Struct sendMail(Struct email)

This method returns either void in case of success or a value that describes the error.

The parameter Struct has the following properties:

Property Type Optional Description
to String or Array no The e-mail address or several where the e-mail will be sent.
toName String yes The name for the e-mail, if to is a String, otherwise ignored.
from String yes The e-mail address of the sender.
fromName String yes The name for the sender.
cc String or Array yes An e-mail address or several, for 'carbon copy'.
ccName String yes The name for the cc e-mail, if cc is a String, otherwise ignored.
bcc String or Array yes An e-mail address or several, for 'blind carbon copy'.
bccName String yes The name for the bcc e-mail, if bcc is a String, otherwise ignored.
subject String yes The subject for the e-mail.
message String no The e-mail contents.

to, cc and bcc can be Arrays, in which case they contain Struct values (at least one in to case), having the properties:

Property Type Optional Description
emailAddress String no The e-mail address.
name String yes The name of the recipient.

Note the difference in property name, depending if it's for a to, cc or bcc property.

    "id": 12,
    "toName":"John Doe",
    "ccName":"John Doe 2",
    "bccName":"John Doe 3",
    "subject":"The subject",
    "message":"Message text"

Every parameter is optional except the to and message. Probably subject should be set, too, but it's not mandatory. The from and fromName, if not set, are taken from the configuration file (if set, otherwise they are left empty). The above example allows only one recipient for to, cc and bcc. One can specify more than one recipient using arrays:

    "id": 12,
        "name":"John Doe"
        "name":"John Doe 2"
        "name":"John Doe 3"
    "subject":"The subject",
    "message":"Message text"

The above example contains only one recipient in the arrays, but one can specify more than one if needed.


Struct sendSms(Struct sms)

This method returns either void in case of success or a value that describes the error.

The parameter Struct has the following properties:

Property Type Optional Description
to String no The recipient number (or address book entry: group, contact).
from String yes The sender number or name.
message String no The text to send.

The message text cannot be bigger than 1520 chars. Attachments will add some overhead due of the links added, so those must be taken into account. To have a single message sent, it must not be over 160 chars.

to can contain more than one number (or address book entry), just separate them with commas.

from can be either a number or some name. Can contain either 11 alphanumeric chars or 16 numeric chars. If not specified, it will be specified from the configuration file (if specified there).

Just a message:

    "id": 12,
    "from":"John Doe",
    "message":"Message text"

from is optional but probably it should be specified either in the call or in the configuration file.